
Protection of Minors

UAA Athletics places great emphasis on health, safety and wellness of our student-athletes.  As an extension of that value, the coaches and staff who facilitate UAA sports camps are all required to complete Praesidium Guardian training. This is done to insure that all who have contact with minors in our camps and clinics are knowledgeable about how to insure that appropriate boundaries and precautions are established and monitored. UAA Athletics is committed to providing a safe environment, free from any type of bullying or abuse, for all minors participating in UAA camps and clinics. UAA Athletics has a ZERO tolerance for any verbally, physically or sexually abusive behavior. 

UAA camp physical contact policy promotes a positive, nurturing environment while protecting youth. UAA camp staff encourages appropriate physical contact with youth and prohibits inappropriate displays of physical contact. Any inappropriate physical contact by staff towards campers will result in disciplinary action or removal from involvement in camp. Any inappropriate physical contact by a camper towards another camper may result in removal from involvement in camp.


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